
Moving can obviously be a stressful time. Not only are you leaving a home that you’ve very likely loved for years, you have to do an incredible amount of organizing to make your relocation go as smoothly as possible. If you have children, though, you have to remember that this time may be even more stressful on them. They may be leaving the only home they’ve ever known, and if they have to go to a new school they’ll be leaving their friends behind. There are, however, ways that you can make moving fun for kids that can relieve stress and ease their transition. All Boxed Up wants your relocation to be as easy as possible on your entire family, so here’s some information that can help make that happen.

Before the Move

One way you can make moving fun for kids is by having them involved in the steps leading up to your relocation. Here are some ways you can make them feel they are contributing.

  • Have your children put together a wish list of what they want in their new home, such as a large backyard with plenty of room to play.
  • If possible, bring your children while you’re house-hunting so they can feel they are involved in the process.
  • Let your kids choose the paint color of their new room. Make sure you give them plenty of choices so that the color is something that both of you can live with.


This could very well be one of the most hectic parts of the move, where your nerves will be on edge. But you can still make moving fun for kids and keep your sanity at the same time during this stressful process.

  • Use colorful, patterned boxes to help make the packing process more interesting.
  • Allow them to sort their own things. Have one pile of boxes that you’ll be taking with you, and others for items that will be donated.
  • Take them with you when you donate your items. That way, they know their possessions will be in good hands.


Even when you get to your new home, your job is obviously still not complete. The process of unpacking can also cause a lot of stress, but these ideas could make it a great deal easier.

  • Keep some of your empty moving boxes intact so your kids can build forts out of them.
  • Find a way to make unpacking fun; sing songs, dance or do anything else you can think of that will keep everybody laughing.
  • Slip a surprise of some sort into some of your children’s boxes beforehand so they’ll be entertained while they unpack.

If you want some more tips on how to make moving fun for kids, or you need the right supplies to help with your relocation, call All Boxed Up at 1-855-539-6400 or contact us online.

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