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At the start of the school year most kids will arrive back in the classroom with fresh shoes and a new backpack, but what they won’t come to school with is a healthy mouth. Tooth decay is the number one chronic childhood illness in America, 5 times more common than asthma and 4 times more prevalent than obesity.

More than half of all elementary school-aged children have had cavities in their primary teeth. Nearly one-quarter of young children will never receive treatment for their tooth decay. Minority children and children from lower socio-economic homes are at an even more critical risk of developing tooth decay than their peers.

“The beginning of the school year is a fresh start for so many kids, this is a perfect time to address one of the most crucial aspects of a child’s health; their oral health,” says Dr. Renee Townsend, DDS., Regional Dental Director for Jefferson Dental. “Many parents wait to address their child’s cavities because there is a misconception that baby teeth aren’t permanent and therefor don’t need treatment.”

At every stage, the health of the teeth and gums is important for maintaining a healthy body. Pain from poor oral health can affect a child’s ability to concentrate in school, speech and articulation, self-esteem and ability to eat. Furthermore, poor oral health has been linked to a number of chronic diseases in later life.

“Back to school is a time when routine and habits are formed, back to school is a great time to work with kids on their oral health habits,” says Dr. Townsend.

Use these tips to establish better oral health with your children:

  • Teach the 2x2x2 rule. Brush and floss for two minutes twice daily, and visit the dentist twice each year.
  • Make a routine to brush teeth in the morning before school and in the evening before bed.
  • Limit sugary beverages like juice and soda, which can cause cavities.
  • Create a dental care routine with all kids, including infants, adolescents and teens. The earlier that healthy habits are formed, the more likely that kids will follow the routine for life.
  • Visit your dentist for dental sealants, a plastic protective coating applied to the back of your child’s teeth that can help further prevent decay.
  • Finally lead by example by modeling healthy habits yourself.

 Moreover, teaching kids healthy habits from a young age creates a foundation for good oral health throughout life. JeffersonDental Clinics offers convenient evening and Saturday appointments, flexible financing options for general, orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry procedures, and an Exclusive Dental Discount plan to save members up to 60% off of treatment. For more dental care tips and resources visit 

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